The Oaks Rugby Football Club consists of six age groups from U8’s through High School. Players are trained in the techniques and strategies required for playing the game of Rugby with the objective of building a solid, fun and competitive base to prepare young athletes for all of their current and future endeavors. The essential features of Rugby, good sportsmanship and fair play, are key components of the program and irrespective of size, body shape or ability. The Oaks Rugby Football Club is a member of Rugby NorCal and USA Youth & High School Rugby. These governing bodies set policies and procedures for participation in all competition activities. Our home field is located at Diablo Vista Park on the border of Danville and San Ramon.
Girls Middle School
Girls High School
Boys Varsity
All other teams have reached capacity.
The Oaks Rugby Club is proud to announce the launch of our 2025 Big Deal Fundraising Campaign.
Danville Oaks Rugby Football Association, P.O. Box 3204, Danville, California 94526
Phone: (925) 208-4599